Complete Checks In Section
Before Loading The Machine
To start the engine
• Depress clutch pedal
(Start inhibitor fitted)
• Depress accelerator pedal fully and turn the key
clockwise to the start position ‘S’
All panel lights self-test (illuminate) and should extinguish
on start-up.
• Allow the engine to turn for 15 seconds max
If the engine does not start within 15 seconds return key to
‘O’ and wait 30 seconds. Turn to ‘S’ again
• When the engine fires, release key
(the key will automatically turn to 'Run' position ‘R’)
• Reduce accelerator pedal pressure to prevent over-
Cold Start Aid -
Turn key to position ‘H’. When panel light extinguishes,
the engine (as above)
To stop the engine
• Turn key to position
How to START and STOP the engine
Do not start the engine unless you are sitting in the
driver’s seat.
• Do not use unauthorised starting aids
• Do not tow or bump start
• If a panel light remains on, switch off engine (key to
‘O’), and investigate the problem