• This product can be used as 240VAC charger for 12V batteries, or can be used as a DC-DC charger by installing the unit onto a vehicle and hard wiring the unit onto the starter battery
to charge a 12V auxiliary battery. The unit can also be used to connect solar panels and can charge either the 12V starter battery of a vehicle or the 12V auxiliary battery depending on
which battery has lower voltage.
The priority of charge for the TDR02026 is to prioritise 240VAC charge first, then DC-DC Vehicle charging, then Solar panel charging. This means that if the 240VAC plug is plugged in and
powered, while also having solar panel connected, the 240VAC charging mode will be prioritised, and solar panel charging will be disabled. If the vehicle is driving, and the DC-DC charging
is activated, the solar panel charging will be disabled. Solar panel charging will only occur if the 240VAC and DC-DC charging is not operational.
The unit can also charge lithium batteries, but the installer will need to connect the lithium charging blue wire to earth for the charging mode to change to lithium battery.
1. Analysis / Desulphation
A small voltage pulse is applied to the battery to ensure it can effectively and safely accept
a charge. Desulphation uses pulse reconditioning to gently remove any sulphation build
up on the battery plates and prevents oxidization. Stabilizes electrolyte consistency and
minimises the battery temperature rising while charging, recovers battery capacity and can
help extend battery life.
2. Soft Start
The soft start function improves the batteries charging capability, reduces gas and heat
build-up and can improve electrolyte consistency which can become uneven in the battery
cells from day to day use. A steadily increasing current is applied over a set time so as
not to initially overload the battery. This stage prepares the battery for the more intense
charging stages to follow.
3. Bulk charge
Maximum charge current is delivered to the battery to minimize charge times.
4. Absorption
Reduces the current supplied to the battery and ensures that the battery has been
completely charged without the risk of being overcharged.
5. Analysis – Testing the battery while charging
The charger shuts off power and measures voltage drop over a set time. If unacceptable
readings are measured this may indicate an internal short or other issue inside the battery.
• If the battery has a fault the charger will stop charge, the charger will cut output and not
continue to charge until it is either switched off, or the battery is removed. Faulty Battery
indicators on the screen will activate if the battery being charged is completely dead and
cannot be charged.
6. Boost/ equalisation charge
Once the battery is fully charged, the charger will equalize all of the battery cells by
providing a steady set voltage over a programmed period of time, at low current.
7. Float stage
After the boost stage, the current will drop to low amperage to maintain the battery in a
fully charged and ready to use state.
8. Maintenance charge
After float stage the voltage will maintain at a constant level with a small pulse frequency.
Current is dropped to a very low level.