HC4601 Service & Identity
2.2.1 File
This menu covers the handling of upload files and provides an Exit of the MMI Simulator
programme. Upload files are files which may be transferred to the radio, such as e.g.
scanning tables.
2.2.2 System
The System menu covers functions involving the entire system including control of external
equipment connected to radio.
2.2.3 CU
The CU-menu covers Control Unit related functions. Selection of live windows to what
happens within the software.
2.2.4 TU
The TU-menu covers Transceiver Unit related functions.
2.2.5 Log
Enabling/Disabling of logging function and control of which parameters are logged while the
simulator is running.
2.2.6 Test
This function is disabled in this version of the simulator.
2.2.7 Design
This function is disabled in this version of the simulator.
2.2.8 Window
The Window-menu provides the selection of different main window sizes.
2.2.9 Help
The MMI simulator does not provide a genuine help file. This menu item simply contains the
‘About’ box with version information and a list of PC keyboard shortcuts substituting the CU
2.3.1 Load
Commands the upload of the created files to the actual radio CU HC4601
2.3.2 Save
Having selected the required settings valid for the actual radio using this MMI simulator it’s
possible to save different parts of these settings in files which may later be uploaded to the
actual radio - or loaded back into the MMI simulator, if so required.
2.3.3 Exit
Exits the MMI simulator programme.
Use the menu entry
File ,then Save , and then one of the following entries