Data Sheet
Miniature Temperature Controller MTD415T
Small, safe and very high accuracy complete single-module controller
High speed, ultra stable digital PID Loop
Up to ± 1.5 A TEC current
Very low output current noise
Very small footprint (21.0 x 12.4 mm)
Circuit Height 3.1 mm
Supports 10 k
thermistor temperature sensor
Single power supply operation
Active cooling and temperature stabilization for a wide range of laser modules and diodes
WDM, DWDM Laser-Diode Temperature Control
EDFA Optical Amplifiers
Temperature stabilization of photo detectors and photodiodes
Short Description and Typical Application Diagram
The MTD415T is a compact and highly integrated temperature controller optimized for use in
high performance thermoelectric temperature control applications.
The on-chip power stage and the thermal control loop circuitry minimize external components
while maintaining high efficiency.
The output current is directly controlled to eliminate current surges. An adjustable TEC current
limit provides the highest level of TEC protection.
The MTD415T is operated from a single power supply and provides a bipolar ±1.5 A output by
connecting the TEC to the output of a bipolar power stage. True bipolar operation ensures
temperature control without “dead zones” or other nonlinearities at low TEC current values.
The digital control interface allows quick access to all system parameters as well as to digital
measurement data, this way enabling a simple integration into different systems.
MTD415T Data Sheet Rev. 1.0