Rev: 2.2, 31-Jan-2022
© 2022 Thorlabs
Page 10
3 Operating Instructions
3.3.2 Settings
Within the system configuration the LCD backlight brightness can be set. Select 'Settings' from
the main menu via the multi-control knob and press 'Ok'. A sub menu appears and the 'Bright-
ness' setting can be accessed by pressing the 'Ok' button. The multi-control knob is used to
change the brightness of the LCD backlight between 0 and 100%. Confirm your setting with 'Ok'
or cancel it with 'ESC'.
The additional menu item 'Selection' in the 'Settings' section describes the output mode. The
'Single Selection Mode' allows to switch on only one LED at a time, while within the 'Multi Selec-
tion Mode' any configuration and up to all four LEDs can be switched on together.
3.3.3 About
The item 'About' gives information about the firmware version, serial number of the DC4100
and the connected LED head if available.