Hardware Reference Manual
MCU500 Mobile Locator/Control Unit
Revision 1.01
5. Maintenance and trouble shooting
The MCU500 is not designed to be serviced in the field in respect of component
replacement and fault finding, however the following notes may be of use.
5.1 Removing the PCB from the case
The PCB may need to be removed from the case to alter a jumper setting or
change the firmware EPROM/FLASH device. Use the following procedure:
disconnect the GPS antenna and power connector from the front of the
undo and remove the nut on the SMB connector (front panel).
undo and remove the four corner screws on the rear panel.
slide out the PCB (the rear panel will remain attached). Take care to save
the small washer fitted behind the GPS connector internally, and replace
when reassembling.
To re-assemble the MCU500 follow the same procedures in the reverse order.
Do NOT overtighten the GPS antenna nut, finger tight plus ½ turn is sufficient.
Over tightening may damage the GPS connector assembly.
WARNING: The MCU500 uses CMOS devices which are sensitive to ESD. Take
appropriate precautions, for example using a conductive bench and earthed wrist
5.2 Changing the firmware EPROM/FLASH device
In order to change the EPROM/FLASH device
Remove the modem PCB from the case as described in section 6.1
Locate the dual in line EPROM/FLASH device at position IC3.
Using an IC extractor tool remove the IC from the socket.
WARNING: never use a screwdriver to “lever” the IC from the socket as it
is possible to damage the PCB tracks under the socket.
Fit the new EPROM/FLASH in the socket. If the device has 28 pins then it
should be fitted nearest the edge of the PCB so that the spare holes of the