Getting Started
5. Install the MusicMatch Jukebox™ software.
D. Click Yes to accept or No to
decline after you have read the
license agreement. You must click
Yes to continue.
E. When the next screen appears,
enter your Name, E-mail address,
Postal code, Country, Year of Birth,
and sex (Male or Female).
: Enter an E-mail address or
yourname@home.com if you don’t
have E-mail. You must enter an E-
mail address to proceed.
If you do not want to be informed
of program updates or receive news
and offers via E-mail, uncheck the
F. Click Next to display Personalize
Net Music screen.
G. Read the screen and decide if you
would like to enable the PERSONAL-
IZE NET MUSIC feature. Select Yes or
No. This setting can be changed