SCPI Command Set
and :DECimation), and the rows as sweep entries with each consisting of a sweep
frequency or range and its associated capture engine configurations.
A :SWEep:LIST is created and identified using a unique string identifier set by the user.
A list may be edited, deleted and/or executed using the :SWEep:LIST command set.
Each list is executed indefinitely or a finite number of time as determined by the
:ITERations command.
More information will be provided in the future revision of this document for multiple lists
The :SWEep:ENTRy commands provide the ability to define the capture engine
configurations for each sweep entry including the equivalent of :INPut, :SENSe and
:TRIGger commands. There may be any number of entries in a sweep list for up to 500.
Sweep entries are identified by an index number and may be inserted, edited and/or
deleted like rows in a table or spreadsheet. A sweep entry is created by using either
:NEW or :COPY and :SAVE command. The entry will not be part of a list until :SAVE is
If trigger is defined for an entry, captured data is returned only if a trigger event occurred.
Otherwise, when the :DWEll time is reached, the trigger is aborted and the next sweep
entry will be executed.
During sweeping, the WSA internal buffer might be overflown, at which point the sweep
engine will pause. The engine will resume sweeping once there are enough space for
the next “block” of data or more.
The engine will stop when the iterations have been reached or either a
, the center frequency command of a sweep
entry can take a frequency range and the step size as the parameters.
- Unlike :TRACe:BLOCk capture, sweep mode data packets, whether VRT context or
digitized data, are “streamed” (similar to :TRACe:STReam). As soon as
command is issued, this will initiate also the data capturing and
data packets will be “pushed” from the WSA5000 when available.
- When sweep is stopped, the WSA will retain the settings of the last performed sweep
entry when :STOP command is received and executed. Any non-sweep commands can
then be operated on the WSA. When the :SWEep is resumed (:STARt), the settings as
per the sweep entries are executed.
- When the WSA is sweeping, any non-sweep commands sent will resulted in an error
and are not executed. The sweep will not be affected and keep on running. However,
sweep related settings can still be changed while sweep is running.
This command sets or queries the number of times the sweep list is repeated.
ThinkRF WSA5000 Wireless Signal Analyzer Programmer's Guide