-SMA-V1 User’s Guide
Copyright© 2021, THine Electronics, Inc.
THine Electronics, Inc
2. Details about each part of the board
2.1 Power Supply
For THEVA252-SMA-V1, there is a method to supply the desired voltage in the range of 1.7V to 3.6V to the
CON1 power terminal block of the master side board and the slave side board. Alternatively, pins 1, 2, and 3 of 48-
pin PH8 can be connected to CON1 via JP1 on the bottom of the board, power can be shared from the front and rear
circuits via pins 1, 2, and 3 of PH8 is possible.
Figure 4 THEVA252-SMA-V1 Power supply
Figure 5 THEVA252-SMA-V1 Power sharing