Boiler room
General requirements
The boiler must be installed in a special and separate room. This room must be chosen so that
it offers easy access for fuel transport, air supply and exhaust gas evacuation. The doors of the
boiler room must be metallic, open outwards, and have at least 0,9 m width.
The boiler installation is prohibited in rooms with extensive dust, dangerous
gases, and moist spaces.
For the correct boiler function it is necessary that the boiler room has openings for natural
ventilation and combustion air supply. It is recommended that two different openings are used
for this purpose, positioned on opposite walls and diagonally to ensure good air circulation. The
cross section of the openings can be estimated by the following formula:
F=Q*8 /1000
Where F=Surface of the opening in cm² (with grid)
(Without grid by receiving 2/3 of the F)
Q=Heating power of the boiler in kcal/h
The boiler room must be provided with a drainage channel. All safety devices must be
connected to this channel.
The boiler room must have an appropriate fire extinguishing system, according to the
regulations in force. In case that the building is designed with a fire alarm system, a smoke
detector must be positioned on top of every boiler.
The fuel storage is prohibited in the boiler room. If so, the storage must be separated from the
boiler with a non-flammable wall, and proper distanced from the boiler.
Fig 2.
Boiler room ventilation and air supply