Section 1.0: Introduction
This manual is designed to aid selected companies/qualified personnel to troubleshoot and re
pair Therm-OmegaTech’s Therm-O-Mix WWM Safety Shower Stations. Any qualified personnel
assigned to troubleshoot or repair a Therm-O-Mix Safety Shower Station should read the entire
manual before proceeding. If you have any questions or concerns about the information found in
this manual please contact ThermOmegaTech Inc. at 1-877-379-8258.
Section 1.1: Definitions and Terminology
System = safety shower/eyewash station
Station = Therm-O-Mix Station tempered water unit
Normal Range = tepid/moderately warm/lukewarm potable water not to exceed lOO°F
Flow Pressure = gauge pressure measured during flow ( dynamic pressure)
V1 = primary mixing valve; mixes cold inlet water with hot inlet water
V4 = normally closed; final safety control; senses water temperature out of mixing valve V1;
V4 opens if the outlet water temperature is too high, short circuiting the WWM Diaphragm
Actuator, closing the hot port of V1 and reducing hot water flow
WWM Diaphragm Actuator = normally retracted for standard mixing mode; pressure
sensitive diaphragm overrides and closes hot port during over-temperature or loss of hot
water supply at V1
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Section 1.2: Recommended Tools
Section 1.3: Check List
The following is a list of recommended tools needed to properly troubleshoot and repair a
Therm-O-Mix WWM Safety
1/8, 3/16 Hex Keys
Open-end wrenches including 7/16”, ½, 1”, 1-1/8”, 1½”)
Channel lock/ Alligator Pliers
(2) 12” or 14” Pipe wrenches
(2) 12” or 14” Spud wrench w/ 2-5/8” Capacity
Thermometer or Thermocouple w/ reader
Phillips screwdriver
Review the checklist below before troubleshooting the Therm-O-Mix WWM Safety Shower
Station. See Appendix #4 for the printable checklist.
Does the plant have adequate Hot Water Flow Pressure? (Recommended min. 45 PSIG/ max.
100 PSIG)
Is the station’s hot water supply line properly sized? (Recommended min. 1” IPS)
Does the plant have adequate Cold Water Flow Pressure? (Recommended min.
45 PSIG/ max. 100 PSIG)
Is the station’s cold water supply line properly sized? (Recommended min. 1” IPS)
Is the station supplying tempered water to anything other than the Safety Shower Station?
Are freeze and scald protection valves installed correctly? (As required for outdoor
Is the cold water supply line in contact with or being overheated by another source? (Steam
supply lines, solar radiation or steam tracing)