Please be sure that the Spa’s circuit breaker is off and there is no power in your control panel. Check the manual
of your Spa for wiring and connecting this device to your inside remote function. Usually there is remote
terminal with 5 input. One of inputs is COM and other 4 are your remote functions (like Spa, Light, Heater, Jet).
We show this 4 functions in following diagram but please consider that, where your side remote functions on
your Spa is connected to the PCB board too. After connecting the wires, you can turn ON/OFF and rename your
WiFi device 4 switches as you see the functions on your Spa.
If you are not comfortable doing wiring you should consult a qualified electrician and it is carried out your own
risk. Please contact us if you need help for wiring.
Device Specifications:
Device comes with 5V DC adapter
Board consumption: <1W
Standby current: 80mA
Max output current: 16Amp
Supports to control different voltage ranges
Relay lifespan: more than one million times
Relay maximum pull time: 15ms
Relay maximum release time: 5ms