Stand: 12.01.2021
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Thermokon Sensortechnik GmbH, Platanenweg 1, 35756 Mittenaar, Germany tel: +49 2778 6960-0 fax: -400
STC-DO8_Typ3_EasySens_Datasheet_en.docx © 2021
If the measuring value of the data byte selected exceeds the upper threshold, the output is switched on. If the measuring value of the data byte
selected falls down the lower threshold, the output is switched off.
Function Blind/Shutters:
If the measuring value of the data byte selected exceeds the upper threshold, the output for blind/shutters is switched to UP for the period of the
after-running time adjusted.
If the measuring value of the data byte selected falls down the lower threshold, the output for blind/shutters is switched to DOWN for the period of
the after-running time adjusted.
If a value less than the lower threshold is parameterized for the upper threshold, the above mentioned functions are executed in reverse order
(inverted operation).
Data Byte Individualsensor
Selection of the designated data byte of the
individual sensor.
Adjustable range: Data byte 0...3
Factory setting: Data byte 0
Lower Threshold
Setting of the lower threshold to analyse the
Adjustable range: 0...255
Factory setting: 85
Upper Threshold
Setting of the upper threshold to analyse the
Adjustable range: 0...255
Factory setting: 85
Individualsensor Lock Time
Via this parameter it is determined for how many
minutes the evaluation of the individual sensors
shall be ignored in case an EnOcean based switch,
learned-in to the same output, has sent a switch
Adjustable range: 0...255 minutes
Factory setting: 30 minutes
Seamless Connection of Individual Sensors
Menu point for seamless connection of a individual
sensor to the set output.
In order to learn-in the requested sensor, the F5 key
must be actuated in the corresponding menu.
Afterwards, the learning-in procedure for the
corresponding sensor described in the operating
instructions must be carried out within 45 seconds.
If the sensor was connected successfully, a
corresponding notice is displayed.
Delete Individualsensor
Menu for clearing a individual sensor at the output
In order to clear the requested sensor, the F5 key
must be actuated in the corresponding menu.
Afterwards, the learning-out procedure for the
corresponding sensor described in the operating
instructions must be carried out within 45 seconds.
If the sensor was successfully disconnected
(learned-out) a corresponding notice is displayed.