Dionex SRD-10 Installation Instructions
Doc. 065355-04 05/18
2. Click
3. Exit the Server Configuration program. When asked whether to save
the configuration changes, click
This completes the pump setup. Go on to
Routine Operation
Before starting an analysis, wait about 10 seconds to allow the Dionex SRD-10 to
automatically switch to operating mode. If any problems occur during operation,
refer to
for troubleshooting guidance.
For detailed Dionex SRD-10 operating instructions, refer to the Dionex SRS or
Dionex MMS product manual. The manuals are available for download from the
Thermo Fisher Scientific website or by contacting your local office.
Dionex SRD-10 sends TTL output signal to turn off pump, although
reservoir is not empty
Check that the end of the line is submerged in the liquid in the reservoir.
Check for leaks in the lines from the reservoir to the Dionex SRD-10.
Dionex SRD-10 does not respond, even when reservoir is empty
Check the TTL connection to be sure that the polarity is correct: Disconnect
the connector and wires and reconnect them. Be sure to connect the signal
wire to the signal (+) pin and the ground wire to the ground (-) pin.
If the problem persists, contact Technical Support for Dionex products. In the
U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-532-4752. Outside the U.S. and Canada, call the
nearest Thermo Fisher Scientific office.