Using EA IsoLink IRMS System for CNSOH
Setting Up a HO Method
Thermo Scientific
EA IsoLink IRMS System for CNSOH Operating Manual
If no hydrogen peak can be found, Isodat Software Suite waits, for example, 25s. Data acquisition
follows immediately after injection. See
Dual Measurement
Thermo Fisher Scientific assumes that the user already has working experience with the ConFlo IV
interface and the IRMS. Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends to perform a simple check in order to
test the analytical condition of the complete system before measuring any samples. Before the dual
measurement can be started, some preparation are necessary.
Before running a dual measurement, the Peak Jump from H
. If a jump is already defined, make sure the jump is re-calibrated
regularly. It is recommended to perform a re-calibration on a daily basis.
Preparing the Hardware
To prepare the hardware components
1. Set the reactor temperature to 1450 °C.
2. Set the GC column temperature to 90 °C. Set it to 70 °C if you are running N-containing samples.
3. Set the helium flow to >100mL/min.
4. Set the reference flow to 100 mL/min.
5. Make sure that the standard gas (H
and CO) on ConFloIV are available.
Determining the H3-Factor
The H3-factor is determined as described in the section
Creating a New Method for Dual Measurement
As a guideline for creating a new dual measurement method, the method HD_CO.met should be
To create a new method for an dual measurement
1. Open
2. Click
to create a new method.
3. In the
File New
dialog box, double-click
4. Click the tab
of the new dual measurement method, see