Dionex Reagent-Free Controller
Doc. 031880-04 1/12
4. Turn over the EGC (fittings facing down).
Shake the EGC
vigorously, and tap it with the palm of your hand 10 to 15 times.
Check that all trapped bubbles are dislodged.
5. Orient the EGC with the cable aligned with the slot in the holder (see
Figure 93) and then slide the EGC down into the holder until it stops.
NOTE To avoid crimping the lines inside the holder, do not
twist the EGC as you turn it over.
Figure 93. EGC Installation
6. Connect the
cable from the Dionex RFC-30 rear panel to the
EGC cable exiting the holder. To connect the cables, push them
together and twist the locking ring.
7. Fill a reservoir with deionized water and connect the reservoir to the
eluent inlet line from the pump. Use ASTM filtered, Type I
(18-megohm) deionized water.
8. Connect the
line from the EGC holder to the pump