Dionex RFC Features
Doc. 031880-04 1/12
control. It connects to a TTL (or relay) output and is used to signal the Dionex
RFC-30 to run a gradient. See Section 3.7 for how to set up and run gradients.
Eluent Generator (Dionex RFC-30 Only)
The eluent generator produces high-purity eluents online, using only
deionized water as the carrier. The eluent generator consists of an eluent
generator cartridge (EGC) that generates the eluent, a Continuously
Regenerated Trap Column (CR-TC) that removes contaminants from
eluent, and a high-pressure degas tubing assembly that removes
electrolysis gases created during eluent generation.
Eluent Generator Cartridge (EGC) Holder
The EGC is installed in a
cartridge holder, which
mounts on a rack on top of
the Dionex RFC top cover
(see Figure 5).
The cartridge holder also
houses the high-pressure
degas tubing assembly and
the CR-TC.
Tubing and fittings for
plumbing the cartridge,
degas assembly, and
CR-TC are included with
the holder.
Figure 5. EGC, Holder, and Rack
Continuously Regenerated Trap Column (CR-TC)
The CR-TC Continuously Regenerated Trap Column is a high-pressure
electrically-regenerated device that removes anionic or cationic
contaminants from eluent. The CR-TC is designed for use with an eluent
EGC Holder
with Degas
and CR-TC