Doc. 065214-02 1/12
Connect to the Panel Tabset
1. Click
on the Windows taskbar and select
All Programs
> Chromeleon
> Chromeleon
to start the Chromeleon client.
2. If Chromeleon is installed, select
View >
Default Panel Tabset
on the toolbar to
display the panel tabset.
If Chromeleon Xpress is installed, the panel
tabset displays automatically when you start
the client.
3. Click the
Dionex ICS-900
tab on the panel
tabset to view the Dionex ICS-900 Control
panel (see
NOTE When the Dionex ICS-900 Control panel is
opened as part of the panel tabset, controls
for an AS40 Automated Sampler are
included, even if one is not present. If you
are using manual injections, you may
ignore the AS40 controls.
If an AS Autosampler is installed, a sepa-
rate Control panel for the autosampler is
included in the tabset.
Figure 24. Dionex ICS-900 Control panel on the panel tabset