Menu 1 – Trending
The trending screen (Figure 19) displays the setpoint
temperature, process temperature, demand,
expansion valve, and optional hot gas bypass valve
(if present) resisters for easy analysis of the system
operation. Trending is always enabled and always
Figure 19 – Trending Screen
Menu 1 – Inputs / Outputs
Inputs / Outputs Screens
The Inputs/Outputs screens provide the status of all
digital inputs, digital outputs, analog inputs, and
outputs. When the PLC input LED is on the
corresponding input or output is on. The inputs and
outputs numbers are hex base numbering system.
The following screens show a full complement of
inputs and outputs. Note: Your screen may differ
depending on machine type and options.
Figure 20 – Digital Inputs Screen
Figure 21 – Digital Outputs Screen
Figure 22 – Analog Inputs Screen