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Ultra-Aire DEH 3000/R Installation Instructions
Fan Setting and Operation
Use the “FAN” button to change the fan operation. There are 2 choices for fan operation: “ON” or “AUTO”.
The factory preset is “AUTO”.
“ON” –The fan in the Ultra-Aire dehumidifier will run continuously. This does not affect either the
dehumidification or ventilation functions of the system. The system may or may not be ventilating or
dehumidifying while the fan is running. This setting is commonly used for maximum air filtration and/or air
“AUTO” – Indicates the fan will run when the DEH 3000/R calls for dehumidification or ventilation.
If the control has not called for dehumidification for 3 hours, the control will automatically run the
dehumidifier fan for 10 minutes.
After a dehumidification cycle, the fan automatically shuts off for 10 minutes. This pause allows the water to
drain from the dehumidifier.
A solid “O” indicates the fan is operating. A flashing “O” indicates the fan is in a wait mode. No “O”
indicates the fan is OFF.
To set the operation:
1. Press and hold the “FAN” button. The current fan setting will begin
to flash on the display. Release the button.
2. Press the “FAN” button to toggle between the “ON” and “AUTO”
With the fan in the “AUTO” mode, the fan will operate only when
needed by other functions of the system. The fan will remain OFF
unless the system is dehumidifying or ventilating. The fan always
runs during dehumidification and ventilation and the fan “O” icon
will be lit. To completely turn the system OFF, use the “ON/OFF”
button as described earlier.
Damper Operation and Ventilation, Manual (Hold) Mode
The “VENT” setting controls the ventilation function of the system. It has
no control over the dehumidification function. In order to provide
ventilation, the motorized damper must be open and the fan must be
running. The controller takes care of these two functions automatically
so that whenever the damper is open, the fan is running.
The ventilation indicator “O” will be displayed whenever the unit is
ventilating. The fan operation indicator “O” will also be lit.
There are three damper operation modes:
1. “OPEN” – hold mode: The damper will be open and the dehumidifier
fan will be continuously operating to introduce fresh air into the space.
Use this mode for continuous fresh air ventilation. The fan is always
on when the damper is open.
2. “CLOSED” – hold mode: The damper will never open, and the
dehumidifier will not ventilate. The fan will still operate normally for
recirculation and dehumidification.
3. “PROGRAM” mode: The DEH 3000/R will operate the motorized
damper and the dehumidifier fan according to the programmed
ventilation schedule (Page 14).
The factory preset for the “VENT” setting is “CLOSED”.
To set “OPEN” – hold or “CLOSED” – hold ventilation operation:
1. Press the “VENT” button. The current setting will begin to flash on the display. Release the button.
2. Press the “VENT” button again to switch between “OPEN” and “CLOSED”.
3. Leave the control alone for 10 seconds and your settings will be saved.