The VDC Control Unit doubles as power supply and digital remote controller of the following light
parameters through its programmed CPU:
Calibrated Colour Temperature variation
Stable colour dimming
Green/magenta bias control
Turning the Power On/Off
Turn on the equipment by switching the power button towards the
position. Switch the power button
position to turn it off.
The light settings always remain stored when the VDC Control Unit is powered off.
Both the lamp head and the VDC Control Unit are electrically protected
against power failures but to avoid possible electric shocks and/or
equipment damages make sure the power switch located at the VDC
Control Unit front panel will be off before connecting or disconnecting
In case of extreme over tension replace the 15Ah fuse from inside the fuse
holder located at VDC Control Unit back. (see picture on page 9)
If a power failure would happen or the cable would be accidentally disconnected the VDC
Control Unit would entry on Error mode and the number 8 would show in the digital
To reset the equipment and resume the light values turn the switch power off, connect
extension cable and switch on the power button.
Colour temperature can be easily increased or reduced through the +/- buttons located at the VDC
Control Unit front panel. Above them a digital display indicates at all times the selected colour
temperature. The value 3.2 corresponds to 3200K and the value 3.3 to 3300K and so on.
Push the + button to increase colour temperature or push the – button to decrease it. If you keep
pushed any of the buttons the you will get a continuous variation.
Every push on the buttons will increase or decrease the colour temperature in calibrated
increments of 100 Kelvin.
By activating the TURBO button (a blue LED lights up on the screen of the Control Unit) maximum
light output is achieved in the colour temperature selected and the value 9 will appear on the
dimmer display.