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KNX presence detector PlanoCentro A-KNX
Parallel connection
A number of detectors can be connected in parallel in larger rooms. This makes it possible to extend the overall presence detection area.
4.1 Master/Slave parallel connection
A "Master in parallel connection" can be connected to several "Slaves". The trigger inputs/outputs are connected with each other here.
The Slaves only supply presence information from their detection area. The Master completes the brightness measurement and the administration
of all parameter settings.
4.2 Master/Master parallel connection
Several "Masters in parallel connection" can be linked to each other. Presence detection is completed jointly while light measurement, parameter
settings and lighting control are individually processed by each Master. This produces more light outputs with their own light measurement but with
joint presence detection.
4.3 Telegram load using parallel connection
With parallel connection, each master sends in parallel connection and each Slave a maximum of twice a minute provided there is somebody in the
detection area. The interval between two telegrams can be increased to 4 minutes to reduce the telegram load. It must be borne in mind that the
switch-off delay can never be shorter than the interval between two telegrams in order to prevent unintentional switch off.
The parallel connection is compatible with all Theben HTS KNX presence detectors.