How to Use Your Telescope
Even with your naked eye, you can distinguish
these two stars in the bend of the Big Dipper’s
handle. With the help of the telescope, you
should be able to see how Mizar, the brighter of
the two, is actually two stars. Use high
magnification. (See the star charts on pages 27
and 29.)
In the constellation of Orion, there is a pale
patch of light known as the Orion Nebula
beneath the stars forming the belt. You will be
able to see its irregular shape more clearly with
the help of the telescope. Use low to medium
magnification. (See the chart on page 30.)
This star cluster in the Taurus constellation is
also visible with the naked eye. With the
telescope, you will be able to see lots more
stars within Pleiades. Can you make out the
chariot or dipper shape formed by the brightest
stars in the cluster? It looks like the Little Dipper
only much smaller. Use a lower magnification
for this. (See the chart on page 30.)