General Tips for Parents and Children
Individual parts of this kit are designed with sharp points, corners, or edges.
There is a danger of injury. We reserve the right to make technical changes. Keep the
experiment kit out of the reach of small children.
¡Precaución! Hay partes específicas de este equipo que están diseñadas con puntas o esquinas o bordes afilados. Siempre existe peligro de
hacerse daño. Nos guardamos el derecho de hacer cambios técnicos. Mantenga los experimentos fuera del alcance de niños pequeños.
Dear Parents,
Because the curiosity and powers of comprehen-
sion of children at this age are often more fully de-
veloped than their manual skills, your assistance
will sometimes be needed, even with the simplest
experiments. Provide support to your little re-
searchers whenever they need it. If an experiment
doesn’t work correctly the first time, encourage
your child to try it again.
Please be sure to provide the children with any
extra materials not contained in the box. These
are designated with a red plus sign.
Have fun with the experiments!
Estimados Padres,
Debido a que la curiosidad y capacidad de comprensión de los niños en
esta edad está mucho más desarrollada que sus destrezas manuales, su
asistencia se hace necesaria, aún en los experimentos más simples.
Déle apoyo a sus pequeños investigadores cada vez que la necesiten.
Si un experimento no funciona correctamente la primera vez, anime a
su niño(a) para que lo intente de nuevo. Por favor, asegúrese de darle a
su niño(a) cualquier material extra que no esté incluido en la caja. Estos
están marcados con una símbolo de más (+).
1st Edition, Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart/2006
This work, including all of its parts, is protected by copyright. Without the
consent of the publisher, any use outside of the strict boundaries of the
copyright law is forbidden and subject to punishment. That applies in par-
ticular to reproductions, translations, microfilms and storage and process-
ing in electronic systems, networks, and media. We assume no guarantee
that all instructions in this work are free of copyright.
Printed in Taiwan
© 2006 Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart
Project management: Annette Büchele. Layout and illustrations: komuniki – Michael Schlegel,
Würzburg, Andrea Mangold, München
1st English Edition © 2007 English Translation, Thames & Kosmos LLC, Portsmouth, RI, U.S.A.
® Thames & Kosmos is a registered trademark of Thames & Kosmos LLC.
Translation: Lise and Jens Kure-Jensen, Alicia Pantoja, Cristián Astudillo
Editing, layout and production: Ted McGuire