Using the Wheelchair Powerpack
Set the Preset Speed Control to approximately half speed for your initial tests. Turn the key to on and then
by using gentle pressure on the speed control lever, the wheelchair will move in a forward direction (on
powerpacks fitted with reverse the powerpack will travel in the direction selected by the direction switch).
The more pressure on the lever, the quicker the wheelchair will move. Never operate the Wheelchair
Powerpack without the wheelchair being occupied.
Now release the lever and the wheelchair will roll gently to a stop. Try this process a few times to practice
stopping and starting. Now practice at slightly higher speeds and for longer periods until you feel confident
with the controls.
Remember that both the speed control lever and the Preset Speed Control are also power controls and as
the terrain becomes more difficult or uneven, they may need adjusting to suit the conditions. Turning the
Preset control to maximum and increasing pressure on the lever will give more power to climb gradients,
reduce pressure to slow the wheelchair if the speed increases beyond a comfortable level. Release the
lever when descending a slope and the wheelchair is tending to pull the attendant. Always remember to
release the lever if you are experiencing any difficulties maintaining control.
Under no circumstances should the person in the wheelchair operate the hand control.
The Powerpack has adequate power to propel a wheelchair and passenger over terrain that is normally
accessible to a wheelchair. However, in situations such as hill climbing, use on gravel or wet grass, a
certain amount of assistance may be required by the attendant. When used in conditions such as the
above, do not allow the motor to labour excessively or stall as damage may be caused.
Care must always be taken when negotiating kerbs and, if in doubt, refer to the wheelchair manufacturer’s
instructions. We recommend that dropped kerbs are used whenever possible. If kerbs have to be
negotiated, when reversing up or down kerbs, the Powerpack must be lifted clear of the ground with the
strap. When climbing kerbs in a forwards direction, either lift the Powerpack clear of the kerb on the strap,
or by using a small amount of power and great care the Powerpack can be an assistance to climbing the
kerb. However, when going down the kerb forwards, it is advisable to use the strap and have the
Powerpack clear of the ground. Never let the Powerpack crash down the kerb as this may cause damage.
Hands should be kept clear of the wheels at all times.
Always ensure your battery is adequately charged before undertaking any journey. This is indicated by the
light at the top of the hand control. In the event that the battery condition indicator is showing amber and
you have some distance to go before you reach your destination, you may wish to conserve the battery
power for the more difficult part of the remaining journey. Simply raise the Powerpack drive wheel clear of
the ground and switch they key to off. When you come to more difficult terrain, lower the drive wheel and
turn the key to on. You will find that by resting the battery there is a small degree of battery recovery
which will give you a little extra distance.
NOTE Fitting in the ideal position as described in Paragraph 3 of the Fitting Instructions will generally
slightly increase the stability of the wheelchair. Most manufacturers provide guidance on the stability of
their wheelchair and you should refer to their manual for information. The further the Powerpack is moved
rearwards, the more the rear stability of the wheelchair is reduced. In use, the increase or decrease would
only be noticed when tipping the wheelchair to mount or go down a kerb. However, if parked on a hill,
with the wheelchair occupied, the rear stability must be considered. TGA recommend that the normal
practice should be to park with the wheelchair facing down the hill, unless the wheelchair manufacturer’s
information states otherwise. If the Powerpack has been positioned other than as recommended in
Paragraph 3 of the Fitting Instructions and the manufacturer of the wheelchair recommends a different
parking method, please contact TGA for advice.