The product must under all circumstances be separated from mains supply prior any to maintenance, repair, change of
parts or disassembly otherwise components and connectors carrying high and dangerous voltages may be exposed.
Capacitors in the circuitry of the product may still carry high voltage charges even though it has been separated from
the mains supply.
In commercial institutions the safety regulations of the alliance of commercial professionals associations for electrical
installations and production facilities must be observed!
In schools, educational institutions, hobby shops or co-operative workshops the use of the product must be responsibly
supervised by trained personnel!
Never insert needles, metal or any other objects into the mains outlet!
Do not plug one ENERGY CONTROL into another!
If the product is no longer able to operate safely, it must to be put out of operation and disposed of for reason of any
accidental use when the following is evident:
product shows obvious signs of damage.
product does not function.
product has been stored in unfavorable conditions for a long period of time.
heavy strain during product’s transport may have occurred.