Battery-powered In-line Cutters
Greenlee / A Textron Company
4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070
T Version—FCC ID: 2AGL2COM; IC ID: 20646COM
X Version—FCC ID: 2AGL2CFM; IC ID: 20646CFM
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired
Safety is essential in the use and maintenance of
Greenlee tools and equipment. This manual and any
markings on the tool provide information for avoiding
hazards and unsafe practices related to the use of this
tool. Observe all of the safety information provided.
Purpose of this Manual
This manual is intended to familiarize all personnel with
the safe operation and maintenance procedures for the
following Greenlee tools:
• ES20T and ES20X Battery-powered ACSR Cutters
• ES32T and ES32X Battery-powered Cable Cutters
• ES32FT and ES32FX Battery-powered Cable Cutters
• ESC35T and ESC35X Battery-powered Cable Cutters
• ETS8T and ETS8X Battery-powered
Cable Tray Cutters
• ETS12T and ETS12X Battery-powered Single Use
Lock Cutters and Bolt Cutters
• ESG25T and ESG25X Battery-powered Cable Cutters
• ESG45T and ESG45X Battery-powered Cable Cutters
Keep this manual available to all personnel.
Replacement manuals are available upon request at
no charge at www.greenlee.com.
Do not discard this product or throw away!
For recycling information, go to www.greenlee.com.
Table of Contents
Description ..................................................................... 2
Safety ............................................................................. 2
Purpose of this Manual .................................................. 2
Important Safety Information ..................................... 3–4
Identification ................................................................... 5
Specifications ............................................................. 6–8
Operation .................................................................. 9–11
LCD Screen .................................................................. 12
Maintenance ................................................................. 13
Troubleshooting ............................................................ 14
Greenlee’s Battery-powered In-line Cutters are
hand-held, self-contained cutting tools intended to cut
the following:
ES20T/X ACSR Cutter:
Copper and aluminum cable
up to 3/4" (19 mm), 336 ACSR, 3/8" reinforcement bar
(rebar), and 3/8" stranded guy wire. It is not intended
for use on EHS guy wire.
ES32T/X Cable Cutter:
Aluminum and copper cable
ES32FT/X Cable Cutter:
Fine stranded cable only.
ESC35T/X Cable Cutter:
Regular and fine stranded
aluminum and copper cable.
ETS8T/X Cable Tray Cutter:
Wire, basket-style cable
trays up to 0.31" (8.0 mm) diameter.
ETS12T/X Single Use Lock Cutter and Bolt Cutter:
Bolts, steel rods, one-time disposable locks, and sea
container seals or similar soft metal devices.
ESG25T/X Cable Cutter:
Copper and aluminum
cable up to 1" (25 mm), 636 ACSR, 3/8" reinforcement
bar (rebar), 5/8" stranded guy wire and 1/2" wire rope.
It is not intended for use on EHS guy wire.
ESG45T/X Cable Cutter:
ACSR and guy strand.
Both the T and X versions of this tool have Bluetooth
connectivity and an LCD screen. Only the T version has
GPS tracking.
These tools are protected by U.S. Patent No. 6,276,186,
6,401,515, 6,718,870, 7,086,979, and 7,254,982.
All specifications are nominal and may change as design
improvements occur. Greenlee Textron Inc. shall not be liable for
damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products.
GATOR is a registered trademark of Textron Innovations Inc.
Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.