Ultra Tugger
10 Cable Puller and Pulling Packages
Greenlee / A Textron Company
4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070
Cable Pulling Principles
Pulling cable is a complex process. This section of
the manual describes and explains four main topics of
pulling cable:
• Each cable pulling system component
• How these components work together
• Forces that are generated
• Procedures for the cable puller operator to follow
While reading through this section of the manual, look
for components that are shaded in the illustrations. The
shading indicates components that are associated with
the text.
Greenlee strongly recommends that each member of
the cable pulling crew review this section of the manual
before each cable pull.
Cable Pulling Systems
Pulling cable requires a system of components. At a
minimum, a cable pulling system will include a cable
puller, a cable pulling rope, and connectors to join the
rope to the cable. Most systems will also include, but
are not limited to, a cable puller anchoring system,
pulling sheaves, and sheave anchoring systems.
The cable puller has a maximum amount of
, which is the amount of pulling tension that it
develops. Every other component of the pulling system
has a
maximum rated capacity
, which is the amount
of pulling tension that it can withstand. The maximum
rated capacity of every component must meet or
exceed the cable puller’s maximum pulling force.
Typical Cable Pulling System