TUSB6020 EVM Features
Quick Hardware Setup
TUSB6020 EVM Features
The TUSB6020 EVM is shipped with a USB mini-AB connector, J13, installed. There are also
overlapping footprints on the EVM for a USB Standard A connector and a USB Standard B connector.
If one of these options is needed, the mini-AB connector can be de-soldered from J13, and a B
connector added to J12 or an A connector added to J11. There is also a jumper, J14, that allows for
the ID pin of the mini-AB connector to be grounded for test purposes if installed.
There are two clock source options available on the TUSB6020 EVM. There is a 24-MHz crystal clock
source, X2, and a 19.2-MHz oscillator clock source, X1. The clock source used by the TUSB6020 is
detemined by the setting of Switch 7 of the toggle switch set, S1.
The toggle switches at S1 connect to the GPIO7:0 pins of the TUSB6020. Switch 8 must be turned on
at power-up (GPIO7 = low) for the TUSB6020 to operate properly. The setting of switch 7 at power up
is used to determine the clock source. After power up, any of the switches can be used as inputs for
the associated GPIOs.
A reset to the TUSB6020 device can be generated in a variety of ways on the TUSB6020 EVM. A
reset can be manually generated using the pushbutton installed at SW1. A reset is generated
automatically based on the power-good outputs of the voltage regulator at power up. In addition, by
installing jumper, J9, a reset can be generated and held by installing the jumper to ground.
There are a number of test jumpers and test points on the TUSB6020 EVM that are not necessary to
TUSB6020 EVM operation but could be used to test functionalities for use in production designs. Some
of these are: the SLEEP jumper at J16, the 1.5V_SWEN jumper at J15, the 3.3V_SWEN jumper at
J10, and the jumper on the level shifted version of CP_EN at J4.
The power circuitry of the TUSB6020 EVM is set up to allow for easy power measurements. The 5-V
power jack at P1 is not installed because the TUSB6020 can be powered by the DSP platform via the
mini-PCI interface. To take a power measurement, the trace connecting the associated jumper pins
should be cut and the jumper installed so that an ammeter can be inserted between the pins. See the
schematic for particulars on voltage rails, but traces connect the jumper pins on the following: J37, J38,
J39, J40, J42, J43, J45, J46, J51, and J59.
1. Check that switches 7 and 8 in S1 are set to select the TUSB6020 normal device mode and the clock
source. For normal operation, switch 8 must be turned on to pull GPIO7 low. Switch 7 must be turned
on to select the XI clock input (24 MHz) with GPIO6 pulled low or left off to select the CLKIN clock
input (19.2 MHz) with GPIO6 pulled high.
2. Insert the TUSB6020 EVM into the mini-PCI slot of the unpowered TMS320C6437 or TMS320C6424
3. Connect a UART cable from the TMS320C6437 EVM to a PC.
4. Connect a mini-USB cable from EMU-USB, J501, of the TMS320C6437 EVM to a PC loaded with the
Code Composer, CCStudio v3.3, C6424 software.
5. Add wallpower to 5V IN, J14, of the TMS320C6437 EVM.
6. Check that LEDs, DS5 and DS502, are lit on the TMS320C6437 EVM.
7. Check that LED D1 is lit on the TUSB6020 EVM.
SLAU242 – February 2008