TRF2443 EVM Operating Procedures
a. SAW path disabled
Program GUI as shown in
Figure 22
Toggle the T/Rx Cal Enable button to lock the synthesizers.
Figure 22. Receiver SAW Disabled GUI Settings
iii. Apply CW signal to J7-RXIN port at 140.1MHz, -88dBm.
iv. Measure output on spectrum analyzer at J15 (RXBBI) or J24 (RXBBQ) at 100kHz.
In this configuration, the chip typically shows about 84dB gain. Therefore, one should typically see
-4dBm at the output of the TRF2443. However, transformers T5 and T7 at the RX baseband
outputs transform 800-ohms to 50-ohms resulting in a 12dB loss factor. There is an additional 1-dB
of losses in the path. Therefore, -4dBm at the output of the TRF2443 will be -17dBm at the 50-ohm
input of the spectrum analyzer. Gain is calculated as Power at the spectrum an 13dB - Pin.
SLWU065 – September 2009
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