4 TPS7H4002EVM-CVAL Testing
The following tests are described in subsequent sections:
1. Output voltage regulation
2. Output voltage ripple
3. Soft start-up
4. Transient response to positive/negative load step (0 A to 3 A to 0 A)
5. Input voltage ripple
6. Loop frequency response
7. Current limiting
4.1 Output Voltage Regulation
• Turn on the input DC source (5 V)
• Turn on the e-load and sweep the load current from 0 A to 3 A, or higher to observe the margin the device
has to the recommended operating condition of 3-A maximum. The monitored output voltage at TP17 (VOUT)
is at or near 2.5 V across the entire current load sweep as shown in
Figure 4-1. Output Voltage Regulation
TPS7H4002EVM-CVAL Testing
SLVUBI1 – MAY 2021
TPS7H4002EVM-CVAL Evaluation Module
Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated