4. Turn on the external supplies
5. Check the "Enable Pin" box if EN signal from USB2ANY is used. EN will be tied to VIN by default
jumper connector setting and the jumper to connect EN to VIN should be removed when EN signal
from USB2ANY is used before VIN is enabled.
6. Change brightness with external PWM signal source on pin 2 of JP9 or GUI control (100% by enabling
“PWM Enable” checkbox) with USB2ANY. PWM will be tied to VIN by default jumper connector setting
and the jumper (JP9) to connect PWM to VIN should be removed when PWM signal from USB2ANY is
used before VIN is enabled.
The default dimming mode is analog and PWM mixed mode. This including other controls such as ILED
max, boost SW freq/slew rate, and UVLO can be also controlled through S/W GUI. See the TPS61177A
data sheet (
) for detailed descriptions of the registers and their usage.
Do not change the configuration of the device while the backlight is enabled. First disable the
backlight by making sure "Enable Backlight" is unchecked. Then adjust the configuration and
turn on the backlight. Changing the configuration while the backlight is on may produce
unexpected results.
Register settings can be saved to “”*.json” file format by selecting “Save Registers” from file menu.
Register settings saved as “*.json” file format can be opened and programmed automatically by selecting
“Load Register” from file menu.
SNVU490 – OCTOBER 2015
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