Single-Ended to Differential Conversion
Single-Ended to Differential Conversion
The circuit shown in Figure 3-1 is used for single-ended to differential
conversion by grounding one input and supplying a single-ended signal to the
other input. Because one amplifier is configured as a noninverting amplifier
and the other as an inverting circuit, the gain of the noninverting channel is one
greater than the other. This gain difference can be eliminated by changing the
feedback resistor value of the inverting stage to increase the gain by one.
If active termination is used as Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3 indicate and a
single-ended to differential conversion is desired, the changed value of the
feedback resistor of the inverting stage also requires a change of R
. The
same equation (2) is used to determine the new R
for that stage.