Multi-Channel Setup
SLOU500 – December 2017
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TAS2770YFF Evaluation Module
Multi-Channel Setup
Use the following instructions to complete the multi-channel setup:
1. Install PPC3 with the TAS2770YFFEVM plug-in.
2. Connect up to eight TAS2770YFF EVMs together using connectors J5 and J7.
3. Attach a power supply to each board.
4. The leftmost board should have jumpers set to match the mono configuration. On all other boards
insert a jumper on J2 and J6. PPC3 will recognize 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-channel setups. See
5. Set Jumper J13 on each board to a unique address.
6. Verify that the EVM is the default playback device by opening the sound dialog from the
Control Panel
as shown in
7. Set the sampling rate using the Windows setting by opening Properties
Advanced. The
TAS2770YFF-EVM supports 44.1-kHz and 48-kHz sampling rates.
8. Set the bit depth as desired using the Texas Instruments Audio USB Control Panel that is accessible
from the system tray shown in
9. Proceed to configure the device using PPC3.
10. Connect the leftmost EVM to a Windows 7 or later PC with a micro-USB cable (J16).
Figure 4. Multi-Channel Setup