System-Side Impedance Track™ Fuel Gauge
Instructs the fuel gauge to return the firmware version to addresses 0x00/0x01. HW_VERSION: 0x0003
Instructs the fuel gauge to return the hardware version to addresses 0x00/0x01. RESET_DATA: 0x0005
Instructs the fuel gauge to return the reset data to addresses 0x00/0x01, with the low-byte being the
number of partial resets and the high-byte the number of full resets. PREV_MACWRITE: 0x0007
Instructs the fuel gauge to return the previous command written to addresses 0x00/0x01. CHEM ID: 0x0008
Instructs the fuel gauge to return the chemical identifier for the Impedance Track™ configuration to
addresses 0x00/0x01. BOARD_OFFSET: 0x0009
Instructs the fuel gauge to compute the coulomb counter offset with internal short and then without internal
short applied across the SR inputs. During this activity, CONROL STATUS [BCA] is set. The difference
between the two measurements is the Board Offset. The Board Offset is written to data flash and is also
returned to addresses 0x00/0x01. The user must prevent any charge or discharge current from flowing
during the process. This function is only available when the fuel gauge is UNSEALED. When SEALED,
this command will only read back the Board Offset value stored in data flash. CC_INT_OFFSET: 0x000A
Instructs the fuel gauge to compute the coulomb counter offset with internal short applied across the SR
inputs. The offset value is written to data flash and is also returned to addresses 0x00/0x01. This function
is only available when the fuel gauge is UNSEALED. When SEALED, this command will only read back
the CC_INT_OFFSET value stored in data flash. SET_HIBERNATE: 0x0011
Instructs the fuel gauge to force the CONTROL STATUS’ [HIBERNATE] bit to 1. This will allow the gauge
to enter the HIBERNATE power mode after the transition to SLEEP power state is detected. The
[HIBERNATE] bit is automatically cleared upon exiting from HIBERNATE mode. CLEAR_HIBERNATE: 0x0012
Instructs the fuel gauge to force the CONTROL STATUS’ [HIBERNATE] bit to 0. This will prevent the
gauge from entering the HIBERNATE power mode after the transition to SLEEP power state is detected. It
can also be used to force the gauge out of HIBERNATE mode. SEALED: 0x0020
Instructs the fuel gauge to transition from UNSEALED state to SEALED state. The fuel gauge should
always be set to SEALED state for use in end equipment. IT ENABLE: 0x0021
This command forces the fuel gauge to begin the Impedance Track™ algorithm, sets the active
UpdateStatus n location to 0x04 and causes the [VOK] and [QEN] flags to be set in the CONTROL
STATUS register. [VOK] is cleared if the voltages are not suitable for a Qmax update. Once set, [QEN]
cannot be cleared. This command is only available when the fuel gauge is UNSEALED. IF CHECKSUM: 0x0022
This command instructs the fuel gauge to compute the instruction flash checksum. When the checksum
has been calculated and stored, then CONTROL STATUS [CVS] is set. In UNSEALED mode, the
checksum value is returned to addresses 0x00/0x01. The checksum will not be calculated in SEALED
mode; however, the checksum value can still be read.
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