Public Version
IVA2.2 Subsystem Basic Programming Model
= (
& ~(0xFFFC)) | size of (mySrcTable);
= (
& ~(116)) | 116; // SCC mode
= (
& ~(128)) | 028; // no interrupt
= (
& ~(0x729)) | 0x729; // low priority
Because the IVA2.2 subsystem is typically configured (recommended for video applications)
so that L1D has memory-mapped SRAM, IDMA1 is normally used only for L1D>L1D fast
Programming an EDMA Transfer
Programming a complete EDMA transfer requires the following steps:
1. Define the logical channel(s).
2. Prioritize the defined transfer (with respect to other defined transfers).
3. Start the transfer.
4. Review the progression and completion of the transfer.
Defining a Logical Channel Single Logical Channel Definition
A complete EDMA transfer can be defined by one or several chained and/or linked logical channels.
Up to 128 independent contexts, each fully defining a logical channel, can be defined. These 128 contexts
correspond to the 128 PaRAM entries available in the IVA2.2 subsystem. For more information about
these PaRAM entries, see
, DMA/QDMA Channel Mapping and PaRAM Entry, and the
Logical channel definition relies on the following:
Base addresses:
PARAM[LCH#].SRCi: 32-bit source address
PARAM[LCH#].DSTi: 32-bit destination address
Transfer sizes:
Transfer size is common to source and destination. A transfer can be constituted on a 3-dimensional
array; C is an array of CCNT arrays, each composed of BCNT arrays, each composed of ACNT bytes:
PARAM[LCH#].ACNT: Number of bytes in the A array (from 0 to 65,535)
PARAM[LCH#].BCNT: Number of A arrays in the B array (from 0 to 65,535)
PARAM[LCH#].CCNT: Number of B arrays in the C array (from 0 to 65,535)
Setting one of the ACNT, BCNT, or CCNT arrays to 0x0 prevents a transfer from being
submitted to one of the physical channels (assuming that the compatibility mode is not
PARAM[LCH#].BCNTRLD: BCNT reload value when BCNT reaches 0 (from 0 to 65,535)
When programming CCNT>1, programming PARAM[LCH#].BCNTRLD to be equal to
PARAM[LCH#].BCNT is recommended.
Indexes between dimensions:
PARAM[LCH#].SRCBIDX: Index between A arrays at source (from -32,768 to 32,767)
PARAM[LCH#].SCRCIDX: Index between B arrays at source (from -32,768 to 32,767)
PARAM[LCH#].DSTBIDX: Index between A arrays at destination (from -32,768 to 32,767)
PARAM[LCH#].DSTCIDX: Index between B arrays at destination (from -32,768 to 32,767)
IVA2.2 Subsystem
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated