Public Version
Camera ISP Basic Programming Model
Table 6-68. Camera ISP Preview Engine Conditional Configuration Parameters (continued)
Configuration Required
Shading correction
[21] SCOMP_EN = 0x1
[24:22] SCOMP_SFT
DRKFEN = 0x1
Dark frame must be in memory
Horizontal median filter
[8] HMEDEN = 0x1
Noise filter
[9] NFEN = 0x1
[1:0] SPR
Setup Noise Filter Tables
Defect correction
[27] DCOREN = 0x1
(x = 0 to 3)
CFA interpolation
[10] CFAEN = 0x1
Setup CFA Coefficient Table
Gamma correction
[26] GAMMA_BYPASS = 0x0
Setup Gamma Correction Tables
Luminance enhancement
[15] YNENHEN = 0x1
Setup Luminance Enhancement Table
Chrominance suppression
[16] SUPEN = 0x1
Write to memory
[20] SDRPORT = 0x1 Camera ISP Preview Table Setup
The three gamma memories, noise filter threshold memory, noise filter strength memory, luminance
enhancer memory, and the CFA coefficient memory must be filled in before the operation of the preview
engine, if their respective functions are enabled.
Two registers allow memory contents to be read and written:
The address register is used to select the specific table entry:
The data register contains the data to be written to the specified location:
While the data register is 20 bits wide, only the 8 LSB data is used for the gamma, noise filter, and CFA
filter tap memories.
The preview engine supports linear increments on reads and writes automatically. The following examples
show how the programmer can read/write the memory. If data is read/written, the address pointer is
automatically incremented. For random/noncontiguous reads/writes,
register must
be modified.
The address is not autoincremented when the preview engine is busy and users try to
read/write the tables.
Read/write all the entires of the CFA table (using linear increment):
• WRITE (SET_TBL_ADDR, 0x1400);
• READ (SET_TBL_DATA, 0xvalue1);
• WRITE (SET_TBL_DATA, 0xvalue2);
• READ (SET_TBL_DATA, 0xvalue3);
Etc. . . .
• READ (SET_TBL_DATA, 0xvalue163F);
Camera Image Signal Processor
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated