DMA Operation
SLAU367P – October 2012 – Revised April 2020
Copyright © 2012–2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
DMA Controller
11.2.10 Using the eUSCI_B I
C Module With the DMA Controller
C module provides two trigger sources for the DMA controller. The eUSCI_B I
C module
can trigger a transfer when new I
C data is received and the when the transmit data is needed.
11.2.11 Using ADC12 With the DMA Controller
MSP430 devices with an integrated DMA controller can automatically move data from any ADC12MEMx
register to another location. DMA transfers are done without CPU intervention and independently of any
low-power modes. The DMA controller increases throughput of the ADC12 module, and enhances low-
power applications allowing the CPU to remain off while data transfers occur.
DMA transfers can be triggered from any ADC12IFG flag. When CONSEQx = {0,2}, the ADC12IFG flag for
the ADC12MEMx used for the conversion can trigger a DMA transfer. When CONSEQx = {1,3}, the
ADC12IFG flag for the last ADC12MEMx in the sequence can trigger a DMA transfer. Any ADC12IFG flag
is automatically cleared when the DMA controller accesses the corresponding ADC12MEMx.