Figure 6-3. MCT8316ZTEVM GUI
The following features are enabled in the MCT8316ZTEVM GUI:
PWM or Duty Cycle Settings
• Use the potentiometer on the MCT8316ZTEVM to control the duty cycle of the 20-kHz PWM waveform from
the MSP430FR2355. The slider and gauge will update real-time with the duty cycle from 0–100%.
Motor Settings and Calculations
• Update the number of motor poles in the motor using the “Motor Pole Pairs (#)” drop-down box.
• The FGOUT frequency is measured and updated real time in the FGOUT Freq (Hz) box.
• The FGOUT frequency and number of motor poles are used to calculate and update the Motor Speed (RPM)
box. The speed is calculated by the
Motor Speed Calculation from FGOUT and Pole Pairs
formula below.
Note that the FGOUT frequency is multiplied by 3 to achieve the frequency of one electrical cycle, in Hz.
Motor Speed RPM =
60 × FGOUT × 3
# Motor Pole Pairs
Status LEDs and nSLEEP Control
• The statuses of the programmable MCU LEDs are shown by LED1 and LED2.
• To place the MCT8316Z into a low-power sleep mode, click the nSLEEP button into the right position. The
MSP430 sends an active-low signal to nSLEEP on the device.
Firmware and GUI Application
MCT8316ZTEVM Evaluation Module
Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated