This EVM allows for evaluation of either the ISO1176T PROFIBUS™ or ISO35T or ISO3086T RS-485
transceivers. The EVM comes with a single transceiver installed on the circuit board (U1), but any of the
three devices can be evaluated using this single printed-circuit board (PCB). The PCB also contains a
transformer and voltage regulator that is used to provide dc power to the right (bus) side of the device.
Because all three devices contain the output oscillator signals used to drive the transformer, any of the
three devices can be evaluated using this single PCB. Note that two different transformers and voltage
regulators can be installed on the PCB. One set is used to ge3.3 Vdc for the ISO35T device,
which is specified for 3.3-Vdc operation. The other set is installed on the ISO1176TEVM and
ISO3086TEVM to ge5-Vdc power required for those two devices. These three integrated circuits
(ISO1176T, ISO35T, and ISO3086T) all contain the integrated transformer driver and are footprint
compatible. The major difference is the +5-Vdc or +3.3-Vdc operation.
Care needs to be taken regarding the isolated power and ground, as this is an isolating device. Power and
ground for the Data/Control side of the device (pins D, R, DE, RE\, D1, and D2) can be completely
isolated from power and ground for the Bus side of the device (pins A, B, etc.). Although these devices are
designed to operate with an isolation voltage up to 4000 V, this PCB is not. To ensure user safety while
using the EVM, the PCB has been designed to support an isolation voltage of approximately 500 V. The
user must be careful when using the EVM to test isolation voltage.
Finally, the ISO1176TEVM allows half-duplex operation, whereas the ISO35T and ISO3086T are
full-duplex devices. The PCBs are configured for either half- or full-duplex operation in their as-shipped
configuration. Changes between configurations can easily be done using the notes provided on the
schematic. The EVMs allow the user to evaluate half-duplex point-to-point or multidrop (PROFIBUS)
systems, or multipoint (RS-485) applications using multiple EVMs.
The ISO1176T meets or exceeds the requirements of EN50170 and the ISO35T and ISO3086T meet or
exceed the requirements of TIA/EIA RS-485 while providing 4000 V of isolation between the Data/Control
and Bus sides of the device. Each device has specific features, such as receiver hysteresis, low bus
capacitance, and failsafe receiver output for bus open, short, or idle conditions. These devices also
support extremely fast data rates or 1 Mbps (ISO35T), 20 Mbps (ISO3086T), or 40 Mbps (ISO1176T).
These features all contribute to making the ISO1176T, ISO35T, or ISO3086T an excellent choice for use
in industrial and factory environments.
Note that although the device provides galvanic isolation of up to 4000 V, this
EVM cannot be used for isolation voltage testing. It is designed for the
examination of device operating parameters only and may be damaged if high
voltage (>500 V) is applied across the isolation barrier or if a voltage >5.5 V is
applied to any device pin.
The data sheet for three devices is available on the TI Web site. A pinout of each device and functional
block diagram are in
Figure 1
Figure 3
PROFIBUS is a trademark of PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e V.
ISO1176T/35T/3086T Evaluation Module
SLLU122A – April 2010 – Revised July 2010
Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated