Using the Software
The LEDs provide the following status:
1. D14 illuminates indicating that the 10-MHz reference clock is present.
2. D15 illuminates indicating that the VCXO is present.
3. D16 illuminates indicating that the VCXO is locked to the reference source.
If LED D16 does not turn on, there is a problem with the loading of the RF section of the board. Check the
DOS window for any error messages. Verify the following if this situation occurs:
1. Make sure the dip switches are set properly.
2. Make sure the USB cable is installed between the USB-to-UHPI board and the host PC.
3. Make sure the DSP-Weuffen drivers are installed properly.
4. Make sure the USB-to-UHPI board is installed properly on the GC5325EVM.
When the TSW3100 pattern has been loaded properly into the TSW3100, the status LEDs of the
TSW3100 change to indicate that the TSW3100 is now sending test data that was loaded to the
GC5322EVM. The LEDs that are illuminated are shown in
Figure 16. TSW3100 LED Status With Test Pattern Running
GC5325 System Evaluation Kit
April 2009
Revised April 2011
2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated