(I) J6 = HALL_PWR select
(H) J5 = VIN_AVDD select
(B) J11 = GAIN select (H/W var.)
(C) J10 = SLEW select (H/W var.)
(D) J12 = MODE select (H/W var.)
(A) J8 = AD0 select (tSPI var.)
J7 = AD1 select (tSPI var.)
(J) R1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 = SPI connections
R1, 12 = Hardware connections
R8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 41 = tSPI connections
(E) R14 = Power Launchpad from Buck
(F) R15 = Supply 5V from Launchpad
(G) R7 = Supply 3V3 from buck
(K) R22 = VREF supplies CSA REF
(L) Optional CSA output filtering
Figure 4-5. User-selectable jumpers and DNP components on DRV8311HEVM
4.4.1 DRV8311H Compatibility
The DRV8311HEVM default is the DRV8311H (Hardware variant), which can be used to spin a 3-phase
Brushless-DC motor with selectable modes configured with hardware settings as shown in
DRV8311H Hardware settings are stuck at default settings (GAIN = 0.5V/A, SLEW = 200V/us, MODE
= 6x PWM) for MD045A. N FAULT must be pulled up externally before VM > UVLO to latch the correct
H/W settings. To fix, implement once of the following workarounds:
1. If using the DRV8311HEVM with an external MCU, remove R7 to disconnect buck supply. Apply
external 3.3V to the 3.3V test point. Power on the DRV8311HEVM.
2. If using the DRV8311HEVM with the LAUNCHXL-F280049C, remove R7 to disconnect buck
supply. Connect the LaunchPad to the DRV8311HEVM, and connect the micro-USB cable into the
LaunchPad to power the 3.3V supply to the DRV8311HEVM. Power on the DRV8311HEVM.
When using the DRV8311H, resistors R1, and R12 must be populated with 0-ohm resistors, and resistors R8,
R9, R10, R11, R13, and R41 must be left unpopulated. This allows the user to select settings using the MODE,
SLEW, and GAIN pins by using jumpers on J10, J11, and J12. An outline of the various hardware selectable
settings can be found below.
Table 4-3. Description of Hardware settings for DRV8311H
3x PWM Mode
Hi-Z (DNI)
3x PWM Mode
47k to GND
6x PWM Mode
6x PWM Mode
200 V/μs
Hi-Z (DNI)
125 V/μs
47k to GND
50 V/μs
25 V/μs
Hardware and Software Overview
SLOU552 – JULY 2021
DRV8311HEVM User's Guide
Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated