5 Operation of the EVM
Quickstart guide
1. Move POT1, POT2, and VREF all the way counter-clockwise
2. Connect power supply to connector J1. J1 is positive terminal and GND negative terminal as shown in
Figure 5-1. Power Connected
3. Set power supply to desired voltage dependent on load, do not exceed the maximum limits of the device see
section above for max limits, for 8231 series it is 33 V
4. Enable power supply
5. The status LED D1 (Bottom left green led) will turn on
6. Disable power and connect load in J3 as shown in
Figure 5-2. Power and Load Connected
7. Re-enable power
8. Turn VREF potentiometer all the way clockwise.
a. This will make Itrip the maximum value possible.
Operation of the EVM
DRV8251/AEVM User's Guide
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