FullChargeCapacity(): 0x0E and 0x0F
FullChargeCapacity(): 0x0E and 0x0F
This read-only command pair returns the compensated capacity of the battery when fully charged.
is updated at regular intervals and is compensated for load and temperature. If
= 1, this register is equal to
; otherwise, it is equal
. Units are mAh.
AverageCurrent(): 0x10 and 0x11
This read-only command pair returns a signed integer value that is the average current flow through the
sense resistor. In NORMAL mode, it is updated once per second and is calculated by dividing the 1-
second change in coulomb counter data by 1 second. Large current spikes of short duration will be
averaged out in this measurement. Units are mA.
StandbyCurrent(): 0x12 and 0x13
This read-only function returns a signed integer value of the measured standby current through the sense
resistor. The
is an adaptive measurement. Initially, it reports the standby current
programmed in
Initial Standby
and, after spending several seconds in standby, reports the measured
standby current.
The register value is updated every second when the measured current is above the
and is
less than or equal to 2 ×
Initial Standby
. The first and last values that meet this criteria are not averaged
in, because they may not be stable values. To approximate a 1-minute time constant, each new
value is computed by taking approximately 93% of the last measured standby current
and approximately 7% of the currently measured average current.
4.11 MaxLoadCurrent(): 0x14 and 0x15
This read-only function returns a signed integer value, in units of mA, of the maximum load conditions.
is an adaptive measurement which is initially reported as the maximum load
current programmed in
Initial MaxLoad
current. If the measured current is greater than
Initial MaxLoad
updates to the new current.
is reduced to the average of the
previous value and
Initial MaxLoad
whenever the battery is charged to full after a previous discharge to
an SOC less than 50%. This prevents the reported value from maintaining an unusually high value.
4.12 AveragePower(): 0x18 and 0x19
This read-only function returns an signed integer value of the average power during charging and
discharging of the battery. It is negative during discharge and positive during charge. A value of 0
indicates that the battery is not being discharged. The value is reported in units of mW.
4.13 StateOfCharge(): 0x1C and 0x1D
This read-only function returns an unsigned integer value of the predicted remaining battery capacity
expressed as a percentage of
with a range of 0 to 100%.
InternalTemperature(): 0x1E and 0x1F
This read-only function returns an unsigned integer value of the internal temperature sensor in units of
0.1°K as measured by the fuel gauge. If
OpConfig [TEMPS]
= 0, this command will return the same value
Standard Commands
SLUUAC9A – December 2013 – Revised May 2015
Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated