Pro (Advanced) Screen
10.1 SMB Communication
10.2 Hex/Decimal Converter
Pro (Advanced) Screen
The set of read/write operations over SMBus are not specific to any gas gauge. These are provided as
general-purpose communication tools.
These two boxes convert between hexadecimal (hex) and decimal as soon as values are typed into the
boxes. Invalid values may cause erroneous results.
When scaling converted hex values to a higher number of bytes, follow these rules:
When unsigned is selected, the left pad contains zeroes.
When signed is selected, the left pad contains zeroes for a positive number, or the left pad contains F
for negative numbers.
SLUU242A – May 2006 – Revised June 2006
bq20z70EVM-001 SBS 1.1 Impedance Track™Technology
Enabled Battery Management Solution Evaluation Module