Functional Block Description
SPRUII2 – November 2017
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
AM437x IDK Evaluation Hardware
2.10 USB
The Micro USB-AB connector port is connected to the upstream port of the USB and to the UART
converter IC (FT2232HL). This is used for USB-to-JTAG and USB-to-UART conversion applications. This
USB port can also be used for XDS100V2 emulation. The ESD device, TPD2E001, is used on the USB
signals before they are connected to the AM437X pins.
2.11 ADC
The industrial EVM uses two ADCs. The input to the ADCs is by default connected to the motor sensing
circuit. These ADC inputs are terminated to the I/O expansion header and Magnetic swipe assembly for
user accessibility.
2.12 Camera
The camera Interface from the AM437x processor is terminated on the 12 × 2 header, J5. The camera
interface is supported using the J5 (AXK7L24223G) connector provided. The custom made Camera
Module, from TI, shall be interfaced with this header.
User Interfaces
Two RGY LEDs, U1 and U2, are used in the EVM and it is driven by the LCD signals mentioned in
Table 5. LEDs
Signal Name
LED Color
U1 – Red
U1 – Green
U1 – Yellow
U2 – Red
U2 – Green
U2 – Yellow
Industrial Inputs
For industrial 24-V digital inputs, a SN65HVS882 serializer is used to accept standard signals (from the
I/O Expander header) in and allow the AM437x device to read them. The serialized output from the
serializer is fed to the SPI1 port of the processor.
Industrial Output LEDs
An I2C-to-8-bit LED driver, TPIC2810, is used to drive the eight industrial output LEDs D3 to D10. The I2C
interface is connected to the I2C2 port of the AM437x processor. The eight LED driver outputs are also
driven to the I/O Expansion header. All the LEDs are green in color.
DC Motor Drive
Three phase brushless DC motor driver DRV8313 is used to drive the DC motor. The motor driver is
controlled by AM437x through PWM interface. The power to the motor is derived from the internal 24VDC
or through external power using separate power connector J14. Connector J17 is used for motor