Technical specifications and operating instructions
Columa 700 R
For your information
The information in this document may be changed
without advance notification and does not repre-
sent any obligation on the part of Lautsprecher
Teufel GmbH.
Lautsprecher Teufel GmbH accepts no responsibil-
ity for any errors in this manual. No part of these
operating instructions may be copied in any way,
whether electronically, mechanically, using photo-
copies or recordings, or transferred without the
prior written agreement of Lautsprecher Teufel
© Lautsprecher Teufel GmbH
Version 1.0
November 2008
Warranty terms
12-year warranty for speakers and 2-year war-
ranty for power amplifiers and electronics (from
purchase date) on materials and work time, with
the exception of damage caused by incorrect use
or electrical or mechanical overload. An original
copy of our invoice is required as the warranty
document. This warranty is exclusively valid for
speakers, power amplifiers and electronics that
have been purchased from Teufel for private use
by end customers. The warranty is not valid for
speakers, power amplifiers and electronics that
the end user has purchased from a different dis-
tributor. If the Teufel product is sold on privately,
the warranty may be transferred to the purchas-
er, providing that the original proof of purchase is
also transferred.
Teufel provides an eight-week right of exchange
or return with reimbursement of the full pur-
chase price paid.
The return of individual components from a set
is only possible if these components are also of-
fered for sale separately by Lautsprecher Teufel.
If one or more components are returned, any
price discount given by Lautsprecher Teufel on
all components in a set as part of the price for
the set is waived. When returning a component,
the customer will be reimbursed for the price dif-
ference between the set price and the purchase
price of the individual components retained by
him/her. The financial outcome for customers is
as if they had bought the remaining components
at the individual price from the outset.
You can find more information on the subject of
returns on the returns form that accompanies
the delivery or online in the support area of our
website www.teufel.eu.
We can only process and accept returns if you
have informed us first by phone and discussed
the procedure with us!
Please contact our service department if you
have any questions, suggestions or if there is
anything you think we could do better.
Lautsprecher Teufel GmbH
Gewerbehof Bülowbogen - Aufgang D1
Bülowstr. 66
D-10783 Berlin (Germany)
Tel.: +49(30) - 30 09 300
Fax:+49(30) - 30 09 30 30
If you have a complaint, it is essential that you
provide the following information so that we can
deal your problem promptly and efficiently:
1. Invoice number
Can be found on the receipt (enclosed with the
product) or the order confirmation that you re-
ceived as a PDF file, e.g. 4322543.
2. Series or batch number
Can be found at the rear of the device,
e.g. batch no.: MO 04007480121A
Thank you for your support.
Technical data
You will find technical data on our website: www.
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Manufactured under licence from Dolby Labora-
tories. “Dolby”, “Pro Logic” and the DD symbol are
trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Manufactured under licence by Theater Systems,
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tems, Inc.®