CustomShield Series 60/90
At TETRA™, we are hunters, we are hearing scientists, and we don’t like to read
instructions. Hence, this manual is intentionally written for your reading pleasure.
We also recommend you check out our product use and care instructions at www.
tetrahearing.com. Of course, we do want you to read the legal disclaimers and
warnings here. (Our attorney made us say that).
Welcome to the TETRA Hearing family.
We are passionate about helping you Hear the Hunt™.
Congratulations on your purchase of TETRA CustomShield Series hearing gear.
These comfortable, day-long hearing solutions are designed specifically for the
hunter and shooter. TETRA CustomShield Series products bring harmful sounds
like gunshots and loud waterfowl calling to safe levels while enhancing the sound
environment for communication, game detection, calling, and localization.
Using TETRA’s AlphaShield Compression™ technology, all sounds above a pre-
determined level are immediately limited. Using your TETRA device, you will still
hear the loud sound clearly, but at a safe level. Unlike conventional plugs or muffs,
low level sounds are enhanced using our patent-pending Specialized Target
Optimization™ (STO) algorithm to maximize hearing of your specific hunting/
shooting environment.