background image


3) Place PCB 

board onto 
posts (2) in 
bottom case.
Direct battery 
terminal through 
bottom case,
as shown.

4) Place buttons 

(2) onto PCB 
board; make 
sure buttons 
are positioned 
flat on PCB board,
with alignment 
posts inserted into 
corresponding holes 
in PCB board.

5) Place top case onto 

the assembly.

6) Hold complete assembled 

unit together firmly.
Turn unit over. Insert body 
screw into top screw hole near 
RJ connector and tighten.

7) Re-connect 9


battery and insert into battery compartment.

8) Place battery door into position. Insert second body screw

into lower screw hole and tighten.


Step #3

1)  Insert two (2) 

#4-40-.250 screws 
(supplied) into drilled 
holes from inside of body.

2)  Attach clip to body,

as shown.

Step #4 (Re-assembly)

1) Insert cable into slot 

in bottom case 

(see detail A)


2) Place slide switch 

cover in side slot 

(see detail B)




1)  Remove screw on the rear of the Turbo Tone

with a #1

Phillips screwdriver and remove battery door.

2)  Remove old battery and disconnect from battery leads.

3)  Snap the battery leads onto a new battery (9V, alkaline).

Place battery in case.

4)  Close tester and replace screw. Do not over tighten.


(Belt clip sold separately)

Step #1

1)  Remove two (2) 

#4-.750 body 
screws, as shown.

2) Remove battery 

door and battery.

3)  Lift off back cover 

and remove cable 
assem./strain relief 
from slot in back case.

4)  Separate back cover 

from rest of unit.

Step #2

1)  With back case removed from unit,

locate two (2) counter sink marks 
on back side.

2)  With .125 (1/8") dia. drill bit,

drill holes into back case at 
both countersink marks.

3)  Clean any burrs and debris 

from inside of body.
