TI5679 MPU-24
Troubleshooting & FAQ
6.2 - Basic Usage/Operation Questions
1. What’s the best position to place the unit for use?
The only position for the MPU is the upright position for stability and airfl ow considerations.
2. Does the unit have to be plugged in all the time?
No, but for maximum performance and cell longevity, keep the unit plugged in while not in use.
3. What happens if I don’t keep it plugged in?
Unit will eventually lose its charge and cell life is shortened.
4. How do I check the status of the charge?
Press the “Push to Test” LED bar indicator on the unit’s faceplate. A fully charged unit will have one green LED light
5. Why is the cooling fan always running when I am plugged into AC power?
Constant cooling fan operation ensures proper and consistent ventilation of the unit.
6. Why does the cooling fan slow down?
Cooling fan rpm varies for better temperature regulation.
7. Why does my LED fl icker when the unit is plugged in?
Older Turbo Starts™ indicated a full charge with a fl ickering LED readout. Newer models feature the illumination of one
green bar on the LED readout when the unit is fully charged.
8. What do I do if a circuit breaker trips?
The AC input circuit breaker is located above the AC Input Connector. When the circuit breaker has been tripped, either of
the red buttons will pop out. In the event that the breaker trips:
Disconnect the ac and dc connectors. (Unplug ac line cord on unit.)
Wait for a minimum of 60 seconds.
Reset breaker by pressing red button.
Reconnect ac and dc connections to the unit. (Plug in ac line cord on unit.)
The unit should power up automatically. If the breaker continues to trip, return the unit to Tesla™ Industries for repair.